
  • kilts,  prints,  victorian,  victorians

    I said I’d scan the pictures of Victorian-era kilts on my wall – here’s Clan Chieftain, 1860. I own this print, although it’s a modern reprint., and I suspect it’s new to the internets. I bought it in Scotland nearly 10 years ago in Skye.

  • kilts,  Uncategorised,  victorian,  victorians

    Finally! A decent picture of a kilt from this era. I must scan and post some of the postcards of ‘highland chieftains’ in kilts I have on my wall. This apparently is HRH Henry of Battenberg, son-in-law of Queen Victoria.

  • antiqueerian,  gay history,  queer,  Uncategorised,  victorian,  victorians,  writers

    Another picture of Edward Carpenter, probably at his cottage near Sheffield. Dig the sandals! Apparenly he was a big fan of the Rational Dress movement. He also happened to be an early gay activist and socialist practising free love and pacifism and vegetarianism in the late Victorian era and writing and publishing books – before and after Oscar Wilde, although the difference here is he preferred working class blokes, the issue with Oscar was he preferred his peers which caused scandal.

    Anyway, Edward was a brave man.

  • bowler,  Uncategorised,  victorian,  victorians

    I’m assuming this isn’t repro – it’s rather too aged and tattered to be, but there’s also something very modern about this scene…it looks like a row has just finished and the air is still blue, while the pug looks into the camera wisfully. A real Victorian soap/kitchen drama… via Calum James

    P.S. I so want the suit the man is wearing, kind of a mixture of hunting country suit and urban? Love the bowler too.

  • Uncategorised,  victorian,  victorians

    How to look dapper…from 1872. Catalogues and pattern books were all the rage in Victorian times. As was eye-watering checks and plaids…ouch, my eyes. The guy on the left not only wearing a double breasted frock coat also has on a fur lined overcoat of quite dandyish proportions (ready for a blizzard? Those would be all wool so very hot). Oh and of course, the obligatory muttonchops.